"I'm glad to say that after I recieved my download, I was able to custom
tweak my best man toast to perfection...needless to say the toast was a big
hit. It was definitely worth the small investment! Thanks"
Jeffries, NC
"After reading the speeches supplied, I mixed and matched lines from each to
blend into my perfect speech. Combined with a few funnies from the Best Man
handbook and other free bonuses, the speech went down a storm!"
Farrell, Oxfordshire, England
"I had the audience captivated...
and carried them through many
different emotions. I could have not done it without your help!"
S., Wisconsin
"Thanks, Ryan...wow!
An Internet company that really cares about the
customers! Got it all...there's some killer stuff in there, and I know I'm
gonna get a bunch of laughs. Best of luck to you, and thanks."
McBride, MO
"What can I say apart from I'm just in from a great wedding to which I was best
man to the groom. I was really nervous about my speech so I thought I'd take
some advice from you. Excellent! Although I panicked just a tad, I came across
confidently and funny! Thanks for all your help!"
--Scott, Great Britain
Wedding Speeches Made Easy . . .
Are you feeling
an agony that no one else can understand…while
everyone is counting on you to be strong and
give the important speech at the wedding? Are
you wondering… and perhaps not entirely sure if
you really can?
How To Deliver The Most Touching, Memorable, Heartfelt Speech For The
Happy Couple-- That Communicates Everything They Mean To Each
Other, Family, And Friends… Even If You’re Afraid To Speak In Front Of
People…And Even If You’ve Never Written Or Given One Speech In
Your Entire Life!”
You are just moments away from getting your hands on 25 Proven, Pre-Written and Time-Tested Sample Wedding Speeches!
This package is for YOU if you are one of the following:
- Best Man
- Maid of Honor
- Father of the Bride
- Groom
- Bride
- Mother of the Bride or Groom
- Father of the Groom
- Groomsmen
- Bride's Maid
- Relatives of the Bride or Groom
- Friends of the Bride or Groom
The Bride was very happy..." |
"I gave the speech on Sunday. It was a big success.
I think everyone who knew me said the speech was awesome.
The Bride
was very happy and without your speeches, I would not have included
enough about her. I think that is a
common mistake that the best
man makes."
-Salvatore, Washington DC |
Speech .
. ." |
son wanted to
deliver an
speech at his
best friend's
As Best Man he
knew there would
be a focus on
him and it was
going to be on
I immediately got on the internet and found many speech sites,
however your
site offered a
great variety of
speeches, you
had immediate
delivery, plus
great bonuses.
My son's speech was well organized, had humor and he delivered a
Thank you for
the confidence
you instill.
It was worth
every penny!"
Johnson, San Francisco, CA
Dear Friend,
Delivering a wedding speech of any kind
for a newlywed couple is an honor bestowed
on a person who is deeply respected,
trusted and loved.
If you have ever been asked to deliver
this kind of speech you'll understand
the deep honor that has been placed upon
you as well as the fear that can
overwhelm you.
90% of people rate speaking to a group
of people as their greatest fear.
Combine that with the stress of a
wedding and the fear that you may foul
up this special, once in a lifetime, day
and it's no wonder you don't like
"Your downloaded e-Book Is Priceless" |
"Ryan, I am an international
public speaker and I must tell
you, your Ultimate
Speeches package is
priceless in for anyone who has
never deliver a speech in their
life, let alone one as important
as at a wedding.
I don't care if people have delivered many speeches before, this book
will give them them exact words
they need to leave such an
everlasting and memorable speech
. . . one that will be for ever
compared to.
I highly recommend people
grab a copy of your e-book right
- Trevor Crook -
www.MagicWordsSell.com |
You may feel like no one else understands your fear.
RELAX . . . because I do and I
want to help you make things so easy for
I will pull the stress out of that day
the same way a good massage pulls the stress
out of a cramped muscle.
Let me help you
to make a smooth, happy, memorable
speech. Find your confidence, plan your
words, say everything you want to say,
and deliver your speech like a pro!!
me tell you a story of a
couple of guys
at a wedding . . .
One was the Father of the
Bride. He was a wise, and successful man
who did not have much experience with
public speaking. He had been around the
block, though, and he knew a thing or
two about a thing or two. Most of all he
knew how to prepare!
The second man, the Best Man, was a very young man that still loved
to 'party hardy' so to speak. He was a
very outgoing person and never had
trouble speaking to groups of people.
had very little experience with this
type of speech, but
figured he could
just wing it. I mean after all he WAS
the top person in his Freshman speech
You probably guessed what happen on that most important day
. . . the Father made a wonderful speech. There
wasn't a dry eye in the house. It was a
moving speech that all the everyone
On the other hand, when the best man stood up
he froze like an ice
sculpture. Looking at the faces of all
the guests, and realizing that his
normal 'college' humor was not going to
go over, his tongue felt as heavy as a
His toast was less than
impressive, he stuttered and stammered
leaving the Groom steaming and the
guests yawning at his boredom.
What Was The Difference?
Well, if it isn't clear by now, the difference was that the Father
prepared. He got some help. He made some
notes. He practiced.
knew his daughter's wedding was
an important day, a day to remember for
the right reasons and he prepared.
The Best Man just wanted to wing it. He was careless, thoughtless
(some might say clueless too) - in the end
he looked like a complete idiot. He
also created a negative memory in what
was otherwise a perfect day.
Thought It Was The Best
Speech!" |
"Rating a 10. They
were excellent, there
were so many different
speeches that any speech
would work for all types
of individuals. My
friend actually hasn't
used his speech yet, the
wedding isn't until
September, but he was
very pleased with the
result of your speeches.
We heard about this web
site from a mutual
friend. When he gave his
speech at a different
wedding he had everyone
laughing, and then some
crying. Everyone thought
it was the best speech
and fortunately for us,
he admitted that it
wasn't his own.
was so much information
given to me that all of
the basis were covered.
I specifically like the
quotes that you gave
- Rebecca Copeland,
Washington, MO
Seeking a little help and preparing made
all the difference.
The Father had some help - he invested in my Ultimate
Speeches package.
Now you can get access to the same help too,
all on a zero risk, 365 day,
unconditional money back guaranteed
Take A Look At What You Get
When You
Secure Your Copy Of My
Ultimate Wedding Speeches
Package . . .
In this wedding speech Ebook you will discover:
25 of sample speeches. No matter what kind of
wedding speech you have to give
(Best man, Groom, Father of the
Bride, Maid of Honor, Mother of the Bride or Groom, Groomsman, Brides Maid, other guest, etc.) you will
have an example that can be
- Learn the proper etiquette for a wedding speech. This
one may surprise you, it
probably isn't what you think.
- What is expected of you when you give your speech. This
alone will reduce your stress
and make the entire occasion
more relaxed and fun.
- Learn how to construct your speech and what to talk
about. With these tips you can
rest assured that you will not
make any embarrassing mistakes.
- Learn who to focus on in your speech. This little bit
may surprise you, and it is
different for each kind of
- Learn how long to make your speech. To short and you
seem uninterested, and too long
and the guests get bored. You
will never have either problem
is you follow these steps...
- What
to say to ensure you deliver a
great speech. A few wrong words
and the magic moment can be
- REVEALED: What the one and only task of a wedding toast
is. It's not what you think it
is. This little gem is worth its
weight in gold!
- Learn what all of your duties are, no matter what role
you are playing in the wedding.
With this information you can
help ensure the magic day goes
of without a hitch.
- Do's and Don't for your speech. A few of these tips can
keep you out of hot water with
the bride and Groom.
- Some ideas to use when you are
modeling the included speeches.
These tips will help ensure that
your speech shines like the
morning sun on the morning dew
on a crisp fall morning.
- Even famous speakers experience anxiety, nervousness
and fear. We give you 10 fear
conquering steps so you can
deliver a heart felt
speech/toast. After using these
steps you will be so together
and polished it will seem that
you coached Lincoln at the
Gettysburg address.
- Learn how to give a proper
roast. Roasts can be more fun
than a barrel of monkeys, but
they can also be a disaster
waiting to happen. Learn how to
roast the bride, Groom, or
wedding party without insulting
anyone. A few well placed
comments you will have the
guests in the palm of your hand.
- Take advantage of several pre-written, time tested
jokes. You don't even have to be
funny. Just use these jokes and
you'll have the entire audience
- Practical jokes, like roasts, can add to or destroy the
entire day. Learn a few
reasonable and appropriate
practical jokes to play on the
new couple. With these jokes up
your sleeve you will help make
the day go as smooth as silk on
- Learn what kind of gifts are reasonable and expected
for your position in the wedding
The wrong gift can put a wet
blanket on the entire day. Don't
make a disastrous mistake.
- 51 proven toasts. You will NEVER be at a loss for words
with my wedding speeches package.
- You get several quotes from some
of the best and brightest in
history. These are perfect to
start your speech or just add
- A checklist of responsibilities for each part of the
wedding party. Don't forget
something and cause a huge
problem in the special day. With
this checklist you can't help
but have all you 'i's dotted
and 't's crossed.
- For the Guys: 13 Surefire way to be a hit with your
date. Whether your date is a
long time girlfriend, wife or
just a casual date, there are
several things you can do to
ensure that she has a nice time. There is love in the air at a
wedding, but a few mistakes on
your part can have you in the
doghouse. Follow these
suggestions and I guarantee a
follow up to the wedding you
will never forget!!
- With
the Ultimate Speeches organizer/checklist, you will
always be “Johnny on the Spot”
for the happy couple. With
everything going on during the
wedding day, the bride and Groom
will be running at a dizzying
pace. There is nothing better
than a friend or relative that
can step in and help ensure
things go well. With these tools
you will be that person. Truth
is, even if you're not giving a
speech, these tools are worth
the investment in the entire
package by themselves.
- Discover THE one thing you must do before even thinking of putting pen to paper ... that
will help you create your loved
one's wedding speech.
- The ONE trick to giving a great wedding speech is turning
your nervous energy into a great
speech. When you get done with
this package you will know how.
With this tip you can't help but
knock 'em dead.
- Revealed:
The 3 steps to a great wedding
speech! Ensure that your
contribution to the happy day
adds to the great memories!
- Discover
the motive behind all
great wedding speeches. You may
not be surprised, but when you
have it clear in your mind it
will help you shine like the
Northern Star.
- Learn who traditionally gives
speeches at the wedding, and who
gives speeches in today's less
traditional weddings. You may
need to have some comments
prepared, even if you're not
expecting to speak.
- 14 Key points to keep in mind
while planning your speech. With
these points in mind you will be
assured to give a speech just
like a pro.
- Learn the quickest and most
efficient way you can get all
your thoughts down on paper and
ensure you say everything you
want to say. This technique is
used by professional speakers,
now you have the same tool at
your finger tips.
- Discover the history of wedding speeches. With this
information you can better
understand why you are giving a
speech, and then give a much
better speech. The day is about
the Newlyweds, but since you're
speaking you want to look good
as well.
- Learn how to break through
writers block. Another
professional technique you can
use to forever forget about
writers block.
- The perfect ending to your
speech. The wrong ending can
leave people hanging and destroy
a great speech. With this tip
you will finish with the same
power that you started with.
- Learn how and why to edit your
speech for maximum effect. When
you finish this portion of the
product you will know how to make
you speech “POP” like no other.
- Find out which is better, an
outline on cue cards or a fully
written and/or memorized speech.
You may be shocked at the
- Find out everything you need to
know about wedding toasts.
Whether planned or off the cuff
you will never be at a loss for
with these memorable and
touching toasts.
and much, much more!
Hit!." |
"All the feedback was
extremely positive, I
felt that I was right on
with the delivery. I
had checked out a couple
(free) different
websites before yours,
and was unable to come
up with any real useful
material, paying the
[cost] was a great
investment and my final
speech was a huge hit.
Not really sure what
more you could provide.
Great web site!"
- Brendan O'Donohue,
Gilbert, AZ
. . . All
Best Men Should Have A Copy”
"I think that all best
men should have a copy
of these speeches as
they are proven winners.
No stress involved and
it will relieve any
stress or fear you may
have as a best man."
James Humphrey, Texas |
This May Be The Happiest And The
Hardest Thing YOU Have Ever Done
. . .
I understand. Standing in front of people, in a highly
emotional state, and being overwhelmed
with the joy in the room can be
difficult. Especially if you are very
close to the bride or Groom.
As a matter of fact many people say their biggest fear
is just finishing the speech. They don't
want to forget part of it, or say
something inappropriate.
Let me tell you, no one expects you to be a
professional speaker.
Nobody will blame you for being emotional.
Nobody will blame you for pausing for a second before
you finish the speech.
Nobody will blame you if you forget something, or
improvise a bit.
I know you would like to deliver an
unforgettable speech that will add to
the memories and laughter on this
wonderful day.
This is why I wrote this wedding speech product. For people like you, so
you don't have to face this challenge
and be left feeling like you are as blind as a bat with laryngitis.
We all want the happy day to perfect. I am betting that
includes you.
My wedding speech e-book will be like a professional wedding speech
writer next to you coaching you all the
way. You can work on the speech anytime
day or night and this ”coach” will be
there for you.
Saved The Day For Me." |
"I did not want a "CANNED" speech so the idea of getting
[multiple] speeches and
using parts of them
with my own knowledge of
the Groom simply saved
the day for me. Once it
came down to the
performance I was still
a little nervous in
front of 200 people, but
I was well prepared and
I owe it all to this
package. Thanks ever so
- Byron Ware, Corona,
Product Is A Must
Have..." |
"This was a great web site and a terrific product. This was
my first time being a
best man and I was
nervous that my speech
would be terrible. By
using this product I was
able to give myself some
great ideas and use the
fantastic quotes
included. This product
is a must have for
people who really want
to impress the people at
the reception."
- Adam, Iowa
You Will Get Samples Of Every
Conceivable Type Of Speech
Best man speech The groom has picked you to be his best man because you are the person he trusts most. He is trusting you to help him with the most important day of his life. Don't let him down.
· Groomsman speech –
You are some of the best friends that the Groom has. He has trusted you to take an important role what may be the happiest day of his life. Make sure you do your best to add to the joy of that day.
· Maid of Honor speech – The Maid of Honor has a special role, different and closer than any other person in the wedding. Only women know how a woman feels about a wedding. This day is more a day for that wonderful Bride.
That wonderful friend who has entrusted you with several of the plans for this day. You must be a special lady to be asked to take up this role. My package can help you fulfill that role completely.
· Brides Maid speech –
Next to the Maid of Honor stands the Bridesmaids. You have an important role in all of this. You help and approval are critical. Now you can be prepared no matter what comes up.
· Father of the Bride speech – No longer will
that little girl be your responsibility.
Yes I know she may have been grown and
on her own for many years, but she was
still your little girl. No more.
Now you
will give her away and she will be his
wife, but you loved her first! Always
will she have a place to call home. Make
sure you don't miss a beat in your
speech. Make sure she knows just how you
· Mother of the Bride speech –
With such pride
you look at this young lady, now a grown
woman. You taught her well, gave her
strength and showed her what it is to be
a lady. Now she is setting up her own
house. What pride you feel in your
· Father of the Groom speech – The day you see
your son turn full circle into a man,
the day you see him take the
responsibility of being a husband. It
may be the proudest day of you life. He
is no longer the boy who you encouraged
to strive to do his best. No now he is a
man. You have taught him well.
· Mother of the Groom speech –
Could this be the
little boy whose diaper you changed and
whose bottle you made? Could this really
be that same boy who crashed on his bike
and you bandaged his knee. When did he
learn to tie his shoes?
It was just
yesterday he was a boy, but now he is a
man, and one you can be proud of. You
did a good job Mom!
· Guest at the Ceremony speech – How wonderful
that the bride and Groom asked you to be
part of their joyous day. Many guests
are making speeches at weddings now.
Sometimes you are even expected to. Make
sure you are ready.
· Or ANY other person that may speak at
the wedding
and whether you . . .
· Know both the Bride and Groom
· Know only the Bride or Groom
· Are just a friend of the Bride or
Groom's family
We have a sample wedding speech that you can use to
develop your own heartfelt caring wedding speech
for on this magic day.
Here's Just A
Sample of What People Are Saying . . .
"Spend A Little
And Be Prepared" |
"It's worth the price.
It's better to spend a
little and be prepared,
than to spend nothing
and possibly flub the
most important day in
someone's life."
Dicks, New York
Speeches Were Very
Helpful” |
"I gave my speech last
weekend. Your speeches
were very helpful to me
to build the structure
of a good Best Man
speech (i.e. intro
thanking everyone, some
humor in body, deep
thoughts about person
you care about, quote,
advice, and toast)."
- Tyler W.,
Speech Received
Thunderous Applause!” |
"I purchased them for
my son. He was his
brother's best man. By
taking bits and pieces
from the speeches Ryan
was able to write his
speech which received a
commented on what a
beautiful speech it
- Susan Dowling, USA
DJ Said It Was The Best
'Best Man'
Speech He Had Ever Heard
. . .”
"My speech could not
have gone any better. I
used #1 as an outline
and personalized it with
my own stories, brand of
humor, etc. Discounting
the happy couple, I was
the man of the hour.
Everyone kept
congratulating me and
patting me on the back.
The DJ said it was the
best 'Best Man' speech he had ever heard."
- Frank Fhermant, New
Almost Fool Proof . . .”
"I used bits and
pieces of each speech
along with my own little
story about the groom
and it turned out great!
People came up to me all
night congratulating me
on an awesome speech.
There isn't a lot more
you could do. It is
almost fool proof that
someone can create a
great speech from what
you provide."
Andrew Schweitzer, Lansing, MI
Nerves Were Definitely
"I found the
structure of the
speeches very helpful;
whilst not using the
speeches, word for word,
my nerves were
definitely calmed once I
had received the
speeches' package.
bonus material in
particular was very
helpful indeed.
In fact
a large proportion of my
speech was taken from
"jokes, humour and
roasts". Overall I was
very pleased to have
purchased the speeches'
package, and it was
something I am glad I
bought. The wedding was
a few days ago, and the
speech was very well
- Daniel, United Kindom
"I Would Have
Missed Important
This Package!" |
"Your package was excellent, as it provided so
many different
approaches and ideas for
giving the speech. With your package,
was able to mix and
match some great
material, including some
humor and appropriate
compliments and comments
to the bride/groom as
well as the families and
bridesmaids (which I
probably wouldn't have
thought of).
Your speech package has proved invaluable to me, as the best man, and I'm
sure that when I do
deliver the speech it
will be sensational.
Thank you very much!"
Nick M., Norwood, MA
"The Toast Was A
BIG Hit . . ." |
"I'm glad to say that
after I received my
download, I was able to
custom tweak my best man
toast to
perfection...needless to
say the toast was a big
hit. It was
worth the small
investment! Thanks."
- Brian Jeffries, NC
Created The Speech
A Lifetime!" |
"Thanks for the
follow up on this. I
would like to THANK YOU
for this GREAT Service.
After downloading you
material I was able to
create a Speech of a
lifetime!!! I probably
15 people come up to
afterwards and say
that it was the best,
Best Man speech they had
ever heard! Tremendous
-Chris Williams, VA
"I blended (cut and
pasted) the speeches and
had an overwhelmingly
positive response about
the speech."
-Chris Akinuoye,
Calgary, CA
The Best
Man's Job!" |
"Most of us are not a
best man many times in
our lives.
Why screw it
up for such a nominal
fee? Even if you want to
write your own you can
see why these have made
many a groom happy and a
best man's job
simplified. Good job!"
Edward C., Long Island, NY
Helps Get YOU
Started." |
"If you're stuck on
what to say, this really
helps to get you
started. There are also
several funny roasts."
- JC, Los Angeles, CA
"Very useful for
giving you a starting
block for your speech,
lot's of useful ideas!"
- Richard Renankivell,
Plymouth, United Kingdom
"My Speech Was
Just Right!" |
"The speeches are really easy to change to make them more
personal. My speech
turned out just right."
- Mike Moore, Kansas,
"I think that all best men should have a copy of these
speeches as they are
proven winners. No
stress involved and it
will relieve any stress
or fear you may have as
a best man. "
James Humphrey,
Texas |
You can model these examples or
use them as is, although
you realize how easy it is to
compose a custom wedding speech
- I doubt you will want
to. YOU will get pre-written, ready-to-use, time tested speeches that will
give you confidence by knowing
the exact words to say.
They do really work so well and in ANY situation.
YOU are not getting a whole pile of templates or an outline where
you have to do all of the work.
YOU are getting wedding
speeches that can be used as is
with just a few words changed,
or you can personalize them to
suit you.
Surefire Techniques To
Deliver A Powerful
Speech And
How To Avoid
Embarrassment! |
The audience is
expecting you to be
It's your
I put this site up
so that you, my
friend, can deliver
an incredible
speech. Don't make
the mistake of doing
this on your own.
With this package
you'll have the
right words, the
right timing, the
right poems, and the
right confidence to
leave an
impression to cap
off a perfect day.
You can even
mix and match these
speeches in
just minutes to
blend your perfect
Here's 4
Compelling Facts Why YOU
Believe And Trust What I Say Is
My company and I are
reputable, credible, and
helped people just
like you
in over 5 different
countries. I've been
doing business online since
March 12, 2002 and my company was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that same year. I've helped
thousands of people with
I've been a public speaker
for over 4 years. I've
spoken at hundreds of events
and to thousands of people.
I'm also a writer...and I'm
not bad at what I do. After
all, I better be if I speak
on stage and write
speeches. At one event
I spoke in front of 8,000
I am real I am current. When I
used to write custom
speeches from scratch, my
fees were $125 for a 1 to 3 minute speech (sorry,
I don't offer that service
specializes in wedding
speeches for the
Groomsman, Maid of Honor,
Father of the Bride, Mother
of the Bride, Brides Maid, and every other
possible person that may be
speaking at your wedding.
We don't waste your time
with 101 different speeches
that you have to sift
through. No birthday
speeches, no retirement
speeches, no graduation
speeches... just wedding
speeches-- period!
I don't hide behind my web
site or any fake email
addresses. My direct
voicemail number is
248-531-0131. It's been the same number for about 9 years and I don't plan on it changing. I answer the phone myself when I'm around and my full address and email contact information is at the bottom of this page. |
OK, Ryan . . . It Sounds Great. I Can See That Many People Have Used
It And Had Great Success, But How Much Does It Cost?
I am glad you asked, and I know you would not want to know unless you were interested in the Ultimate Wedding Speeches package. Well I have good news.
The package is very inexpensive, despite everything it includes.
Why you ask. Well because I am not trying to be greedy, I want you to look good. I also want to make a little money, but no reason to be greedy.
Why? Because it is extremely inexpensive to deliver to you.(no its not free, but it is
There is no inventory for me, no printing costs, no shipping costs, and no employees.
As a result I can pass that savings to you, plus no shipping charges, and you have it in a matter of minutes!!
Anyway, the entire package is only $34.95. That is like having a professional wedding speech writing coach at your disposal 24/7 for the rest of your life for just $34.95. You can't find a better deal than that!
UPDATE: YOU arrived at this page just in time to take advantage of a special marketing test: through midnight on , price to just $19.95 (for a limited time only).
I'm doing this to see if the increase in sales outweighs my lower profit margin. If it doesn't, and you buy the speeches after this ate, expect to pay the normal price of $34.95.
9 FREE Bonus Gifts Worth $107.76
. . . ONLY If YOU Act Now! |
HURRY! If you invest in my Ultimate Speeches Package by the above date. . . you will also get
these 9
FREE Bonus Gifts valued at $102.76.
If your order after this date, then I am sorry you may not qualify for these free bonus gifts. So HURRY because this offer is STILL available if you order right now.
Best Man's Handbook'
($12.99 Value)
In a Man's life women generally come and go. That is until he finds that one. When he does it changes his life. Hopefully for the better! Along this road, up to this point he has had friends that were constant. Now that he has found that one, the right one, he needs to have one of his friends, his best friend, escort him into the new
area of his life.
Yes, you won't see him as much after the wedding,(If you're married that may be a good
thing)but he has asked you to be that friend, that man who stands with him as his life changesforever.
You are that man, the Best Man. With this handbook you will not let him down.
'Best Man's and 'Maid of Honor'
Wedding Day Checklist (At least $ 19.95) |
Concise and inclusive, you do not have to worry
about a thing with this in hand. Whether you are
the Best Man or the Maid of Honor. This list
will help keep things going and on track.
wedding day is hectic and unpredictable. You
will never be “caught with your pants down” when
you have these checklists.
To Be A Major Hit With Your Date'!
($9.95 Value) |
We all know what happens on the wedding
night with the newlyweds, what we forget
is that everyone else goes home too.
Many people go home with that “twinkle”
in their eyes and that “magic” in their
Yes a wedding can be good for
more than just the Bride and Groom, that
is if you follow the suggestions in this
FREE bonus report. Whether your date is a
spouse, a long time girlfriend or a
casual date, it can be a great night if
you play your cards right.
'10 Fear Busters For Successful
Public Speaking'
($14.95 Value) |
Public speaking is the scariest thing
most people will ever do. When you add
the stress of the situation in the mix,
you have a recipe for sheer terror.
Imagine getting in front of everyone and
just freezing. Not knowing what to say.
Not knowing where to look for answers.
The thought can be overwhelming.
With this bonus you will get 10 fear
busters that the professional speakers use to ensure
they don't freeze. No one can take away
the hurt, but with this bonus, I will
remove the fear.
'The Best Man's 'Personal Power
($12.95 Value) |
is the ring?” “Is the Cake at
the hall?” What is the caterer's
number?” "How do we get to the
church?” “OH NO, WHERE IS THE
You will have the
answers and more with this
bonus. This is worth it's weight
in gold, but it is FREE if you
act NOW!!
'Proven Toasts And Quotes'
($4.99 Value) |
Do you really think that Johnny
Carson could come up with new
jokes everyday for almost 30
years? No! He used other peoples
words and phrases.
Well OK you are just “on stage”
for one night, not 30 years, but
still, there is no reason you
should have to guess at what to
Boy that old Johnny sure made us
laugh didn't he? He could test
to see what to say night after
night. You have to get it right
the first time. And with this
bonus you will!! |
'New Bride's Wedding Day
($8.99 Value) |
Have you ever been a bride? If not I
want you to imagine having the busiest
day you can imagine at work. Add in 4 or
5 ill behaved 4 year olds to watch and
on top of that today is the most
emotional day, and perhaps the most
important day of your life, up 'till
Imagine your head swirling and you
emotions flying back and forth. You have
dreamt of this day since you were 5
years old, but you had no idea it would
be so nerve wracking. You just want
everything to be right,but you are about
to lose your mind in all of the chaos.
Then you see your Maid of Honor, and she
has the schedule. A few well placed
directions and you know all will be
well. You could not have made a better
That what the bride will say about you
when you put the FREE bonus to work for
'Bachelorette Party Oath of Silence Contract'
($4.99 Value) |
This hilarious document will
have keep everyone laughing when
you make them sign it before
attending the bachelorette
party! What happens at the
bachelorette party, stays at the
bachelorette party!
101 Proven
- Time Tested Wedding
Toasts For Any Guest
($17.00 Value) |
You stand up and raise your
glass. You know what to say. You
have read and practiced it. You
know it will work, because it is
time tested.
The words roll off your tongue
in the same way as a water falls
of a waterfall, beautifully and
without effort. But it makes an
impact! As you finish your
toast you notice a tear in the
eye of the bride, a tear of joy.
Yes today is a wonder filled
You will always know what to say
when you have this report at
your fingertips.
Click Here To Order Now
Through Our Secured Server
Instant Download.
Now lets go over what you get
again. You get the Ultimate
Wedding Speeches package, which
comes with instructions for
crafting and delivering the
perfect wedding speech and
sample speeches to model, so the
Bride and Groom will have a
better day than Charlie the day
he inherited Willa Wonka's
Chocolate Factory.
Because you got here during my
test, you get the entire package
just $19.95 instead of the
regular price of $34.95 and
. . . YOU get the FREE Bonus
Gifts Worth $106.76
OK Ryan,
it sounds good, but I'm still suspicious.
How do
I know your book is as good as you say it is?
That is one good question and I know you would not
be asking if you were not interested in delivering a great wedding speech on this special wedding day.
Here is the
answer, I am willing to guarantee my wedding speech e-book
for 60 days.
Better-Than-Risk-Free . . .
"Nothing To Lose
And Everything To Gain" 60-Day Guarantee!

Order my
Ultimate Speeches. Read them,
use them, model them, copy them
word-for-word, whatever. If, at anytime
in the next 60 days, you decide that
you're not thrilled with your
purchase ... If anyone doesn't like your
speech, if you decide that you could
have done better by yourself, if you
have buyers remorse, or if for any other
reason you want your money back, just
email me and (1) all of the speeches and
9 free bonuses are yours to keep; and (2)
you'll receive a 100% refund of your
purchase price.
That's right! Any time in the next 60 days, if you feel that this
package doesn't deliver everything I
YOU can roast me like a pig on a spit
and get a full, 100% refund.
NO questions asked, no B.S., no
questionnaires to fill out. Just say
you're not satisfied...PERIOD!
You keep everything. It will cost you
Ryan Ringold
Ryan Ringold
President -
UltimateSpeeches.org |
have done everything I can to
assure you my pre-written, warm,
loving, humorous and sentimental
wedding speeches cover
every type of speech you could
ever imagine for the wedding . .
. and now it's up to you.
YOU can choose to pass up my Ultimate Speeches Package and
risk ruining the bride's day
. . .(Yes it's not the
groom you need to worry
I don't know about you, but I would never be so foolish!
On the other hand . . . if you truly do want to deliver a speech that
will be talked about for years
to come - then I urge you to act
now, while it is fresh in your
After you use my system to
design the speech for the
wedding you'll be speaking at,
please send me a note with the
results. I know you will love
the system like everyone else
who uses it.
Click Here Now To Order
Through Our Secured Server
Instant Download.
It doesn't matter if it's 2 A.M.
Ryan Ringold
Ryan Ringold
President -
Remember you will learn how to write
a speech, no matter what your
position within the wedding, get
sample speeches to cover
anything from Groom to Best Man,
to Father of the Bride, to Bride,
to Bridesmaids to Maid of Honor
to guest.
You will have a road
map telling you how to design
write and deliver your speech.
Plus you get
$106.76 worth of bonus gifts and my 100%, toast me or roast me like a pig on a spit, 60 day - unconditional money back guarantee. if you don't love it and if you don't believe you gave the best wedding speech ever.
PPS. HURRY! f Only customers who invest in my Ultimate Wedding Speeches Package by . . . will get the deeply discounted offer PLUS the 9 FREE Bonus Gifts valued at $102.76. Order right now
Instant Download.
It doesn't matter if it's 2 A.M.
This package is for YOU if you are one of the following:
- Best Man
- Maid of Honor
- Father of the Bride
- Groom
- Bride
- Mother of the Bride or Groom
- Father of the Groom
- Groomsmen
- Bride's Maid
- Relatives of the Bride or Groom
- Friends of the Bride or Groom
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The UltimateWedding Speech Package!
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Limited time offer.